Ayima social promo videos

Work created for Ayima on behalf of Mandalay Media

Technologies used:
  • Adobe After Effects
  • Adobe Photoshop

Ayima commissioned a few social media videos for their Deal Or No Deal Casino brand marketing. They learned that we had created video material for Vera&John and JackpotJoy previously, so they got in contact with Mandalay to get some promotional videos for an offer they were running on a few of their games.

The main stipulation for the project was that they had to be Facebook- and Instagram-friendly, following the guidelines about the amount of text on screen and any image restrictions surrounding gambling. They gave us free reign otherwise, as long as we could tie in the Deal Or No Deal link somehow.

For the original batch in 2017, I decided to keep it simple with the link to DOND, by using the Red Box. The box enters, twists and opens to reveal a phone with the game being won on the screen.

The box was created within After Effects for more control than via a 3D import, using a few linked planes and a simple light within the box that only affects the box itself.

After the success of the 2017 batch, Ayima returned with a few more games, asking for a different style of video. They wanted it to be different enough that it didn’t just blend in with the previous batch, and that they wanted to emphasise “gaming on the go” more.

I went with a similar layout to remain on brand, but the background in the video is initially of someone walking and playing a game (with the walking footage being filmed outside our office at the time). This added a bit more movement to it all, whilst not being too distracting that it detracts from the game.

Overall, I’d say the videos were a success as they were on-point with the brief drawn up between us and Ayima. They were happy with the results too, passing on their thanks after the campaigns.

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